We don't currently offer the option to add a hard maximum of members per plan. However, if you want to make sure that you don't go over a total member count, you can set your new members to require approval before accessing the space:
Go to Products » Membership Plans » Edit Plan » Basic Settings » New Members Have to be approved (check box).
Now when people sign up, you will have the option to reject them (or send them a nice email asking them to check back in a month or two) before they join your space and begin booking.
How Do I Know How Many Members I Already Have?
Option 1:
You can see a full total under Manage » Members » hover over bulk actions » the number in parentheses on the "Send Email to List" button. You can also filter this list (by plan or company) to see the number of people on a particular plan.
Option 2:
If you want a more detailed view, go to Analyze » Members.
There you can see an overall total and a number per plan.