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Learn Cobot

Better understand Cobot and how to make it work best for you. Find all set up and getting started information here.

Converting Existing 'Paid For' Members to New TeamsMove your 'Paid For' Members over to Teams to unlock powerful tools for you and your Members.

Setting up ResourcesManage Resources inside your space so members can reserve them on an hourly basis in your Booking Calendar.
Cobot's Booking CalendarLearn how you and your members can create bookings on your calendar in Cobot.
Removing Legacy External BookingsLearn how to remove our 'legacy' External Bookings feature - and make way for the new one!
Old vs. New Price CapsLearn the differences between the old Advanced Pricing feature in Cobot and the new one.
Get Reminder Notifications for Cobot Bookings in Your Personal CalendarUse Cobot's .ics feed to get notified of upcoming bookings in the calendaring app of your choice.
Editing BookingsMembers can edit their bookings up until it starts. Admins can edit bookings whenever they like.
Advanced Resource Pricing: Fixed Rates, Discounts and Price CapsCustomize how members use your Cobot Resources by applying Fixed Rates, Discounts or Price Caps.
Member Booking NotificationsIf you or your members want notifications about bookings, we provide iCal feeds for the calendar app of your choice.
Syncing Your Cobot Calendar With Google CalendarSynchronize your Cobot Resource Bookings with Google Calendar.
Syncing Your Cobot Calendar With LiquidspaceIf you use Liquidspace, you can sync Liquidspace bookings with your space's bookings using Google Calendar.
Syncing Your Cobot Calendar With OutlookIf you use Outlook, you can sync Outlook events with your space's bookings using Google Calendar.
Managing Your External Bookings SubscriptionLearn how to manage your external bookings subscription
Open Hours and Calendar BlockersLearn how to set open hours for your space and how to block your booking calendar on holidays and space closures.

Member InvoicingCobot effortlessly generates and dispatches member invoices, streamlining what can otherwise be a time-consuming task.
Multiple Tax Rates, Custom Tax Rates, and Multiple CurrenciesConfigure multiple tax rates, currencies, and custom tax rates in Cobot to better comply with local tax regulations.
Accounting CodesTrack your revenue with accounting codes.
Non-Member/Visitor InvoicingEffortlessly generate and dispatch invoices via Cobot to those not registered for a membership in your space using Free-Form Invoices.
Prorated InvoicesSet a default invoice day so you can manage pro-rated invoicing.
Sending Invoices to Multiple EmailsSend invoices to multiple email recipients in Cobot, ensuring relevant contacts receive billing information automatically.
Invoicing Charges Before the Next Billing DateLearn how to generate invoices immediately or ahead of schedule for members with upcoming billing dates.
Changing Invoicing/Renewal DatesIf you want to change the renewal or invoicing dates for your members, here's how.
One-Time Charges and CreditsLearn how to add a one-time charge or credit to your members' accounts.
Paying for Other Members or EmployeesYou can easily setup a someone to pay for or be paid by someone else in Cobot.
Sending Invoices in Advance and Reminder EmailsThis guide will show you how to send your member invoice previews or a reminder email prior to being charged.
Adding Retention Rates to InvoicesYou can set a retention rate under Setup » Invoice Settings.
Creating Annual (Yearly) Membership FeesLearn how to create annual (yearly) Plans for your members in Cobot.
Companies Paying a Flat Fee for Their EmployeesSetup your Plans in Cobot to accommodate teams and companies.
Companies With Long-Term Leases and EmployeesCreate Plans longer than 1 month in duration, like annual plans or bi-annual plans.
Payment RemindersSend payment reminders to inform your members about outstanding payments.
Generating and Sending E-Invoices in CobotLearn how to compy with digital standards by generating and sending E-invoices via Cobot

Members DashboardAccess your member's profiles, see their status in your space, send emails and more via your Cobot Members Dashboard.
Adding MembersAdding members to Cobot is an integral part of your workflow. This guide will teach you how to add them and how they can add themselves.
Checking in Members GuestsYou can checkin guest members using another member's checkin options.
Connecting MembersConnect your members to Cobot so they can log in to their member portal.
Checking in MembersGet a clear picture of who uses your space and when by checking them in on Cobot.
Pausing MembershipsMemberships can be 'paused' in one of two ways.
Managing Membership Cancelations and DeletionsLearn how to cancel or delete members in Cobot.
Reactivating Canceled MembersReactivating Canceled Members in Cobot is easy!
Revoking Access When a Payment FailsCobot doesn't revoke member access for payment failures - it's up to spaces do this manually, ideally after speaking to their members.
Member PortalThe Cobot Member Portal allows members to manage their plan, bookings, and payments while staying connected with you and other members.
Accessing the Member Portal as an AdministratorSee what your space looks like to members when you are setting things up in Cobot.
Changing an Admin/Member Email or PasswordUpdate your Cobot email or password in a few simple steps.
What to Do if Your Members Can't See Your Add-onsMake your Add-ons visible for Safari browsers.
Customizing Current Member PlansCustomize an individual member's plan in the Plan section of their account.
Changing Current Member PlansLearn how to adjust member plans in Cobot—immediately, at the end of a subscription, or on a future date.
ContactsEasily keep track of visitors to your space like Drop-in Pass users, external bookers, and other guests in one place.
Community DirectoryConnect your members with each other by publishing your Cobot Community Directory.
Managing Teams With CobotLearn how to efficiently manage teams with Cobot.