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Weekly Time Passes

Setup weekly plans using Cobot's Time Passes feature.

Amanda avatar
Written by Amanda
Updated over a month ago

Give your members weekly access to your space by setting up Time Passes. There are two ways to set this up, depending on how you want the passes activated:

  1. Pass Automatically Expires Seven Days After Purchase

  2. Pass Activates at the Time of First Check-in

Additionally, weekly passes have certain considerations connected to our WiFi integration.

Read on to learn about the details of both options and their WiFi implications.

Pass Automatically Expires Seven Days After Purchase

Sometimes, you may want to setup passes that expire after 1 week (7 days) for a Time Pass.

Here is how to set it up:


  1. Create a new plan under Products » Membership Plans » Add Plan

  2. Under the Time Passes tab, create a pass that expires after 7 days

  3. Make the 'Valid for Timespan' field 24h

A screenshot of Cobot's Time Pass configuration form with suggested settings for creating a weekly Time Pass.

Member Purchase

When your member buys a pass from their dashboard, they will see that it will expire seven days after purchase. The pass will be automatically removed from their account after seven days, even if they have not checked in with it.

Here is how it looks for the member:

Screenshot of Cobot's member portal with the grey Buy Time Passes button encircled in red.

A screenshot of the section from Cobot's Member Portal showing the 'Buy Time Passes' section that members see if Time Passes are available for purchase on their plan.

PRO TIP: To charge your members for passes right away (instead of on their next invoice), activate 'Must pay for time passes instantly' under Customize » Features » Payments.

If you have this feature activated, you must also set up an automated payment method, such as PayPal, so your members can pay you right away.

Member Check-in

The member will be able to check-in with their Time Pass from their member portal dashboard; however, this will not impact the length of their Time Pass. It will still expire and be removed from their account seven days after the purchase date.

A screenshot of a drop-down menu made visible to members in their Member Portal when they want to check in with a Time Pass.

Once they are checked in, they will see a check-out option, but this will not impact the timer on the pass. Even if they check themselves out, it will continue to run. If the member checks in again, it will resume the count down on their existing pass.

A screenshot of a blue 'check out' button made visible to members in their member portal when they have already checked in with a Time Pass.

Only once the week pass has expired can they check in on another kind of pass. The benefit of checking in and out is that it is recorded on the member's account.

PRO TIP: You can delete a Member's Check-Ins by visiting their account removing it from their Past Check-Ins:

Screenshot of a web page link called 'Past Check-Ins' encircled in red.

Pass Activates at the Time of First Check-in

Your members can also purchase a Time Pass that can be validated when they check into your space instead of from the time they purchase the pass.

Here are the steps to follow:


  1. Create a new plan under Products » Membership Plans » Add Plan

  2. In the Time Passes tab, leave the 'Passes Expire' field blank

  3. Make the 'Valid for Timespan' 168h (number of hours in a week)

A screenshot of Cobot's Time Pass configuration form with suggested settings for creating a Time Pass that activates on a member's first check in.

Member Purchase

When your member buys a pass from their dashboard, the pass will remain on the member's account until they check-in with it. Here is how it looks for the member:

Screenshot of the Member Portal showing where members can purchase a Time Pass, highlighted in red, in the lower right-hand side of the screenshot.

💡PRO TIP: To charge your members for passes right away (instead of on their next invoice), activate 'Must pay for time passes instantly' under Customize » Features » Payments.

If you have this feature activated, you must also set up an automated payment method, such as PayPal, so your members can pay you right away.

Member Check-in

The member can check-in with their Time Pass from their member portal dashboard. Once they check-in, the timer on the pass will start.

A screenshot of a blue 'check out' button made visible to members in their member portal when they have already checked in with a Time Pass.

The member will see how long they are are checked in for as well as a check-out option, but this will not impact the timer on the pass. Even if they check themselves out, it will continue to run. If the member checks in again, it will resume the count down on their existing pass.

Only once the week pass has expired can they check in on another kind of pass. The benefit of checking in and out is that it is recorded on the member's account.

Interaction With WiFi Integration

If you have the RADIUS Wifi Integration activated, you can better manage your weekly pass members.

Once Time Passes are populated on a plan, your members must have a valid pass to access the WiFi network.

If you have the pass set up to expire seven days after purchase, the member can access the WiFi from the time they purchase the Time Pass, to the time it expires. Once the pass expires, they will lose internet access.

If you have the pass set up to activate at the time of first check-in, then the pass will start running and keep them checked in for 168 hours, or seven days. Once it expires, they will lose internet access.

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