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Help Desk

Create a self-service Help Desk for your members. Add resources, FAQs, and troubleshooting information to help foster autonomy.

Amanda avatar
Written by Amanda
Updated over 3 months ago

Your Help Desk is a communication center that provides members with valuable information about your space. Add guides to cover your workspace norms and member portal navigation; utilize public links and embed your guides on your website. Ensuring that your space information is easily accessible to everyone.

Members can submit issues via your Help Desk, empowering you and your team to address support issues promptly and guaranteeing a positive coworking experience.

Setting Up New Guides

Creating a new guide is easy. Head over to Manage » Help Desk » Guides » Create Guide.

Now add the following:

  • Guide Title: Make it clear what the guide is about and try to keep it topic-specific. Your guides are organized alphabetically or numerically. So, if you wish to reorganize other than alphabetically, add a number or letter in front:

  • For Example, instead of naming the guide "How to access our parking lot," use one of the following options:

    • 1. How to Access our Parking Lot

    • A. How to Access our Parking Lot

  • Body: Add all the information you want to share here. You can upload documents and images to your guides. To add formatting or hyperlinks, highlight the word or sentence.

  • Interaction Toggles:

    • Members can't edit guide: By default, your members can submit edits to your guides. To lock the guides, check this box.

    • Public: By default, your guides are publicly accessible and have a public link populated. Uncheck this box to remove the public link.


Embed your public links anywhere you want to share your information, such as on your website or in emails to visitors/non-members.

Deleting & Editing Guides

Go to the Guide in question » click on the title » Edit or Remove. Easy!

How the Help Desk Looks in the Member Portal

The Help Desk feature is default visible to your members in their member portal. This way, they can quickly and easily find important information about your space.

In the Help Desk, members will see your guides. They will also be able to add new guides and edit existing guides unless you toggle this feature off within the guide settings.


  • Add a note in the Welcome Message of your membership plans pointing your members to the Help Desk, so they see a reminder every time they log in.

  • Add a mention of your Help Desk in the confirmation email sent to your members.

How Members Submit Issues

Another key component of your Help Desk is giving your members an easy way to submit issues to you and your admin team. They can do this by clicking on the Help Desk and clicking on Report an Issue.

Once they do, a submission form pops up where they can add details of their issue, links, images and documents. They can make their issue private so that only you and other admins can see or open it so other members can read reported issues.

Members also see a list of recently submitted issues from members who did not make their submissions private. This way, they can use your community as a problem-solving resource before contacting you.

To make all Help Desk issues private by default, go to Customize » Features » Hiding Features » Activate 'Private Help Desk Issues.'

Hiding the Help Desk From Your Members

Not interested in a Help Desk? No problem. Go to Customize » Features » Hiding Features » Activate 'Hide help desk from members.'

Managing Issues From the Admin Portal

Hopefully, your members will find your space so perfect that they will never need to submit an issue. But if they do, you can easily manage them from your admin portal.

Once an issue is submitted, a few things happen simultaneously.

  • You and your admins will be notified by email

  • A notice will appear on your dashboard (only shows issues submitted in the last four weeks).

  • An icon will appear next to the Help Desk tab in the navigation (shows all issues).

Click on Help Desk in the navigation to manage them.

You will see an Open Issues and Closed Issues tab.

Answering & Assigning Issues (Task Management)

Once you click on the issue under Open Issues, you can choose to comment and leave it open or comment and close the issue. When you comment on an issue, everyone who has commented on it will be notified again via email.

You can assign Help Desk issues directly to any admin in your space so that everyone knows who among your team will be responsible for solving the issue. You can do this by clicking on the Unassigned button next to the problem and then choosing an admin name in that list. Easy!

Once you close an issue, it will be moved to the Closed Issues tab.


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