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Door Access Integrations

Cobot can integrate with many door access solutions - here are some we've already built that you can install with just a few clicks.

Amanda avatar
Written by Amanda
Updated over 4 months ago

Cobot integrates with multiple door access systems to help you manage member access to your space. We currently have integrations with the following door access partners:

We have created a handy table so you can see how the different systems work with Cobot.

* Time Pass access is based on wether or not there are passes on the members account. It is not currently possible to limit time pass access to specific times of day.

Not sure which one to choose? Reach out to our partners directly to get a custom quote based on your size and needs. We also recommend you review the connection guides below for further details before making your final decision.

Check out how to connect Cobot once you have chosen the right system for you:

Important Notes:

  • Our door access control integrations currently only work for member access.

  • Automatic access is not granted if an external booking is made or if a Drop-in Pass is purchased.

If you would like to connect Cobot to a door access system not on the list above, then check out our API and our guide on extending Cobot.

You can also send us a Feature Request suggestion and we will add it to the list.

Happy Coworking!


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