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Reactivating Cancelled Members

You can always reactivate a member whose membership was cancelled.

Amanda avatar
Written by Amanda
Updated over a year ago

Once a membership has been canceled in your space, that member will be directed to the general Cobot login page. If they attempt to log in, they will not be able to access the account for your space.

You have two options to bring them back in as members of your space:

1) Reactivate Your Member's Account And Change Their Plan In Your Admin Area.

This method will have you reactivate their membership so that they will be re-registered when they log in.

  • Find their name under Manage » Members » Cancelled Members.

  • Click the drop-down menu by Plan » Customize Plan or Change Plan to either change completely or make edits to their existing plan. You can edit the membership fees, etc. You can also edit their next renewal date under the Membership box, and make any other changes needed prior to re-activating their membership.

  • Once you are happy that everything is correct, go to Membership » Undo Cancellation.

2) Have The Member Sign Up For A New Plan On Their Own.

  • Send them a link to the plan, which can be found under Setup » Plans » copy plan link

  • Have the member follow the link and then sign in to Cobot using their existing login details.

  • Now they can register as usual and choose their own activation date.

Important note:

If a member restarts their plan in the middle of a billing cycle for your space, any pro-rated fees are not automatically accounted for. You'll need to create a free-form invoice with the fee or simply add a one-time charge or credit to their account.

If you are tracking Revenue By Plan in Cobot, these one-time charges will not be added to those sums on your Analyze » Revenue page.

Their next, automatic invoice - not counting any prorated fees - will go out the day after they are reactivated. If you have a Default Invoice day setup under Setup » Invoice Settings - the invoice will go out on this day instead. For example, if you have 'day 1' like below, their next invoice will go out on this numerical day:

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